Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today I learned about Krampus.
Krampus is a mythological creature,
most popular in Austria and Hungary
that would tag along with Santa every year
punishing the bad children.
Be thankful for your lump of coal, you assholes.
And Happy Holidays!

Monday, February 22, 2010

...and then the weather turned to bullshit

i wish someone could turn on the sun
i can't read in the dark
biking around in this awful weather
listening to sad songs on my tape deck
put me in a bad mood
but i had 8 oz of free espresso
which put me in a good mood
but my heart feels like it's just about to explode

i really like the song i'm listening to at the moment:
(angels wanna wear my) red shoes by elvis costello

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the smell of death lingers

gustav klimt
today I painted my dead grandmothers nails.
we did her hair, her make up.
my aunt told me it took half the time it normally did
because my grandmother wasn't yellin' at her
about every little detail.
i seemed to have forgot
that the smell of death lingers in your nose
and the soap in the funeral home
always smells like formaldehyde.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

hart meat

my family is mocking me.
cheeseburgers for lunch. bbq for dinner.
bacon grease all the time.
i really wish i had a spliff right now.
maybe ten spliffs.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

try to remember the last time you woke up excited

tombstone, az
So I'm going to be in Owensboro for the next week, anyone want to hang--oh wait, no one lives in Owensboro... this is gonna be a long week. Currently feeling indifferent towards the impending 12 hour drive, 8 inches of snow, church, and drive-through BBQ. Today I finished two mixtapes: 2010: sad songs for tears to come, and one that does not have a name yet including a lot of punk rock n' roll and other music that I find just totally charming. I feel like it might be the first volume in a series. I saw two cover bands last night: the Gun Club and the Cramps. I had no idea people listened to the Gun Club! How naive of me, the singer was dressed just like Jeffrey Lee! As for "the Cramps" the singer's Lux impression was endearing and I really enjoyed them. He spit in my face a little, it was almost like the real thing! The two front men did a good job to not try too terribly hard, because, well, who could live up to this?

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Beautiful, absolutely gorgeous film, but i swear to jesus' devil spawn that it would be nothing without the soundtrack. It's completely by the Goblins, they're incredible, they set the entire mood. Well, that an the lighting that resembled a backdrop to an alien planet.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

get paid for being a bitch?

This book was totally rad. I want to be a teenage dominatrix! Not that she glamorizes the whole deal, but to get paid to beat up nasty rich men, SICK. This book didn't change my life or anything, it was a real easy read and everything. It was pretty hot though, and really amusing.
"Get Paid For Being A Bitch!" hell yeah!